How We Can Number Up: Sheila McMullin Continues Her Discussion on VIDA Count 2013
This is the work of The VIDA Count: to reveal an overall systemic problem and encourage a proactive change in how our leading publishing magazines and journals represent empathetic culture.
How We Can Number Up: Sheila McMullin Continues Her Discussion on VIDA Count 2013
This is the work of The VIDA Count: to reveal an overall systemic problem and encourage a proactive change in how our leading publishing magazines and journals represent empathetic culture.
Former StS Blog Editor Sheila McMullin on VIDA and Why We Should Number Up, Part I
Literary publications that achieve near contributor gender parity are in a strict minority.
Hibernaculum: Dissecting Story and Fable like an Animal
The hush of cold greets us in the opening circus of Hibernaculum . A family in winter navigates through the chatter of its children, young adults, and older adults
The Artist Activist Online
On March 8, 2011 I launched So to Speak’s blog with a simple one line post.
WILD, BUT NOT LOST: A Review by Sheila McMullin
Melissa Schuppe’s debut chapbook Wild, But Not Lost(Finishing Line Press, 2013) finds itself in the good company of poets’ Sarah Vap, Rachel Zucker, and Arielle Greenberg: women writing motherhood and sharing women’s multifaceted experiences in the age of choice and women’s equality.