

Somos el humo que temes
Entramos ajenos
En tus aires,
En tus aguas,
En tus tierras.

Sientes nuestros latidos
pero ignoras nuestras penas
Sería pedir demasiado
reconocernos como personas.

Con acero pintas
donde podemos pasar
Con acero pintas
done temamos estar.

Aún así, llegaremos-
En tus aires,
En tus aguas,
En tus tierras.

Somos el humo que temes
– con pieles quemadas
– con ojos pavesas
– sin preguntas
– solo respuestas

Somos humo, órale.

– Tijuana, Mexico (2016)



We are the smoke you fear
We enter as aliens
In your winds,
In your waters,
In your lands.

You feel our pulse
yet you ignore our troubles
It’s probably asking too much
to see us as peoples.

With steel you paint
where we find our way
With steel you paint
where we fear to stay.

Even so, we will reach-
In your winds,
In your waters,
In your lands.

We are the smoke you fear
– with burnt skins
– with embered eyes
– without questions
– only answers

We are smoke, órale.

– Tijuana, Mexico (2016)

Vinit Kurup

Vinít Kurup is a Hispanic Indian-American writer, who currently resides in the New York City area. As a multi-ethnic polyglot, he writes in numerous languages including Spanish, Bengali, Portuguese, Hindi-Urdu and English. Kurup has spent most of his life traveling, studying, working, and living in different parts of the world; illustrating his insight, analyses, and experiences through the written word. His works encompass diverse topics including, but not limited to: contemporary politics, culture and identity, international relations, social justice, and sustainable development. You can find updates and more of his poetry on his instagram: @poems_by_vinit .




The Inside Scoop on So to Speak’s Spring 2019 Contest