Where To Donate This Holiday Season

Live Your Dream: Empowering Women with Opportunity Through Education

The Future is Female

Live Your Dream is an organization that provides advocacy and action opportunities to spread awareness about causes such as access to education, empowering girls, and ending violence against women. Their collective missions is to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. LiveYourDream.org inspires people from all walks of life to live their dreams, while helping less fortunate women and girls to live theirs. This is accomplished through hands-on opportunities, awareness and advocacy efforts, and financial support– or any combination of these actions. They aim to connect, mobilize, and empower a passionate community of activists and volunteers to take action for women and girls. Find out more about how you can take action and help here. Also, you can donate here.


The Deaf Poets Society

An online journal of deaf and disabled literature and art

The Deaf Poets Society is an online literary journal that publishes poetry, prose, cross-genre work, review of Deaf or disability-focused books, interviews/miscellany, and art by D/deaf and/or disabled writers and artists. Founded in 2016, their mission is to provide a venue for D/deaf and disability literature and art, as well as to connect readers with established and emerging talent in the field. They look for narratives about the D/deaf and/or disabled experience that complicate or altogether undo the dominant and typically marginalizing rhetoric about deafness or disability. They especially want to highlight work that investigates the complexity of the experience across identities (experiences related to gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, race, or any other marginalized identity). They want to hear your voice, submit! You can support The Deaf Poets Society by making a donation.


VIDA: Women in Literary Arts

VIDA aims to provide a platform for the voices of marginalized communities within the literary community and beyond.

VIDA is a non-profit feminist organization committed to creating transparency around the lack of gender parity in the literary landscape and to amplifying historically-marginalized voices, including people of color; writers with disabilities; and queer, trans and gender nonconforming individuals.  VIDA Count highlights gender imbalances in publishing to offer an accurate assessment of the publishing world. VIDA Review features original interviews, articles, and essays from an intersectional feminist and womanist perspective on the literary world, publishing, education, and the arts. VIDA Events are conducted at festivals and conferences nationwide, including readings, panels, and forums. Get involved through volunteering. Donate. Submit!


Split This Rock

Calling poets to a greater role in public life and fostering a national network of socially engaged poets.

Split This Rock cultivates, teaches, and celebrates poetry that bears witness to injustice and provokes social change. Building the audience for poetry of provocation and witness from their home in the nation’s capital, they celebrate poetic diversity and the transformative power of the imagination. To name a few of the programs Split This Rock offers: readings, workshops, panel discussions, youth programs, contests, community collaborations, publication projects, the Split This Rock Poetry Festival biennially, and campaigns to integrate poetry into movements for social change. Listed here are 10 Outstanding Reasons to Support Spit This Rock! You can get involved by donating, volunteering, and/or submitting your own writing!

International Rescue Committee

Choose Humanity

Have you been trying to figure out what you can do to help those affected by the current devastation in the Middle East? The IRC helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover and regain control of their future. Offering aid worldwide, they put in place high-impact, cost-effective solutions that help people affected by crisis. They use their learning and experience to shape the economic wellbeing, education, health, power, and safety of those in crisis worldwide. You can contribute to the IRC’s efforts by making a tax deductible donation! You can even select more specifically where you want your donation to go.


Trans Women of Color Collective

Uplifting the narratives, leadership, and lived experiences of trans people of color. 

Located in Washington, D.C., the TWOCC is a grass-roots funded global initiative created to offer opportunities for trans people of color, their families and comrades to engage in healing, foster kinship, and build community. They strive to educate and empower each other through sharing skills, knowledge and resources as they build towards the liberation of all oppressed people. Their Healing and Restorative Justice Institute (HRJI) seeks to build capacity in three components: Health and Wellness, Advocacy/ Leadership Development and their Visibility Campaign. In this way, they aim to create opportunities for communities to thrive unapologetically in their truths. You can support their work by donating here!


Stop Street Harassment 

Catcalls, sexually explicit comments, sexist remarks, homophobic slurs, groping, leering, stalking, flashing, and assault. Street harassment limits people’s mobility and access to public spaces. 

Stop Street Harassment (SSH) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to documenting and ending gender-based street harassment worldwide. They offer direct services through a national street harassment hotline offered 24/7 (with both phone and online options). They also provide public education through online resources, correspondents programs, research, media visibility, books, and talks, as well as community mobilization initiatives. Find out more about donating & getting involved here.

LGBT Books to Prisoners

A trans-affirming, racial justice-focused, prison abolitionist project sending books to incarcerated LGBTQ- identified people across the United States

This is a donation-funded, volunteer-run organization based in Madison, WI that sends books and other education materials, free of charge, to LGBTQ-identified prisoners across the United States. They have been doing this for nearly 10 years and have sent books to more than 6,000 prisoners in that time. One can contribute with financial donations and/or book donations!

Holly Mason

Holly Mason received her MFA in Poetry from George Mason University, where she taught undergraduate English courses and served as the blog editor for So to Speak: A Feminist Journal of Language and Art. Her poems have appeared in Rabbit Catastrophe Review, Outlook Springs, The Northern Virginia Review, Bourgeon, and Foothill Poetry Journal. She has been a reader and panelist for OutWrite (A Celebration of LGBT Literature) in D.C. She currently lives and teaches in Fairfax, Virginia.


Speaking With Oliver Baez Bendorf


Kristina Marie Darling Review + Broadsides